That's my workroom. And thats me, okay me a long time ago, around the age of 13 I think.These are some of the pillows I've worked on in the past.
These two pillows are on the bed in my guest room, but most of the pillows I make I sell.
Friendship pillows
This pillow is one i made recently
I love using vintage pieces in my pillows, mixing new machine embroidery with beautiful handwork from someone's talented hands.
Some of children's pillows can double as a the tooth fairy pillow since they include a small pocket.
these are some personalized monogramed pillows
Little tags are one way to personalize a pillow or just send a message.
This scripture message is one of my favorites.
A ring bearer's pillow
Heritage pillows are more recent creations.
these pillows are a place to keep treasured pictures and come with a scriputre tag book as well

Most of these pillows have been sold or given away, but I am excited about the new ones Carmen and I are working on now. I hope if you have a need for a special gift you will consider a gift from Present Grace.