Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February thoughts

It was time. The room needed a facelift. Well so do I but that's not what this is about. 
I rearranged my sewing space this month. It needed cleaning out, organizing and sprucing up. I started by renewing this bulletin board. I should have taken a before picture. You would have said just chunk it. I covered the board frame With pink rose fabric then added  over 200 push tacks, screwed old wooden spool on the bottom to hold sewing supplies  and voilà here it is. 
It's the perfect place to hang scissors  and tape measure. 

A few flowers I've made to decorate projects with decorate the board as well. I'm loving the new arrangement, having the ironing board so close to the sewing machine is much more efficient. 
Flowered car seat canopy 

Happy February! Here in the south its Warm and spring like one day and cold the next. But hopefully these projects will turn your thought toward spring 

 This multicolored car seat canopy has already been purchased. But several new ones are in the works. 

Working on baby gift for Present Grace is so much fun. These baby headbands are so sweet and soft. A great new born baby gift. 

If you haven't started following us on facebook or pinterest we'd love for you to check us out and see our newest bsbies of Grace gift items.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fill My Cup Lord

It's been a long time since I visited my blog to write anything. So much has happened in my life since the last time I blogged. I am grateful for each day the Lord has given me though some were filled with sorrow and trials each day was also filled with Gods great mercy and grace. His present grace in time of need. 

I was reminded of the song " Fill my Cup Lord" today, a song I haven't thought much about for years. I know as I lift my cup up to the Lord He fills me up with strength and tenacity for what ever comes my way. But He also fills it up with Joy, "for the joy of the Lord is my strength" and in His presence is  fullness of Joy. 

When I take the time to spend in His presence the plans He has for me becomes more clear. Sometimes there is revelation, but other times there is just sweet fellowship. Too often things just get in the way and I rush off to the take care of business without that time of fellowship, but still I know He is with me being faithful even when I am not, yet all the time pulling on my heart strings beckoning me back to sit awhile and fill my cup again with His love.